Last Minute Update

It's the very last day of September. I have literally procrastinated this month's blog post as long as I possibly could. I can't believe it's already the end of September and Fall has arrived. It's still 90 degrees in Charleston, but the calendar says it's officially Fall. With T-minus 6 weeks until Maggie's arrival, Michael suggested we take one last hoorah to a friend's mountain house with family and enjoy a few cool days and falling leaves. It turned out to be just perfect and we all enjoyed unplugging and unwinding away from internet, cell service, and any stores or activity. It was absolutely beautiful. Temperatures were in the 70s during the day and got down to the 50s at night. Michael and I enjoyed a few quiet days alone before everyone else got there and neither of us could remember the last time we'd enjoyed such quality time. It's the longest vacation we've taken together, and we would love to take Maggie in a few years ...