
Before my husband and I were married, the first things we were encouraged to learn together were how we manage finances and our temperaments. I have always been a little obsessed with personality types and learning as much as possible about other personalities and temperaments in an effort to develop good judgment, understanding, and love others well. Marriage and aging have been incredibly enlightening for me, and in the past several years I have discovered some fascinating facets of the person God created me to be. For instance, I am a soft and subtle Type 2 woman, an INFJ, and a Jacob type when it comes to money.

Psalm 139:14 (NLT)
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--how well I know it.

Jacob's story is one full of beautiful things (that colorful robe for Joseph), rich life lessons, and some serious character development. We are still in our leaner years as a couple and still figuring it all out. How to have beautiful things and experiences on a budget and how to grow both together and individually into the people God meant for us to be. This blog is a means of tracking that progression, and I hope it proves both informative and uplifting.

1 Peter 4:10 (NLT)
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.

For years now I have enjoyed following other blogs, YouTube channels, or Instagram accounts in my spare time and often find myself in awe of the creativity, dedication, and passion demonstrated. I hope to bring the same sense of passion and care to my writing, and I greatly appreciate any of you willing to read along.

I also just opened an Etsy shop, JacobJewelry, where you can find colorful, handmade earrings and accessories to suit a variety of personal tastes. Feel free to check it out!



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