Follow Up

So, my last post was about my thoughts on the upcoming new year, 2019. Actually, my last post contained several recipe ideas for pork. But seeing as we are now two months into that new year, I thought it appropriate to follow up on the effects of the word "sanctuary" as my focus for 2019. I always go through a slump after the holidays. I'll be honest, I hate and dread that time of the year. January seems so hard and daunting and I just want to shut my eyes and get it over with. While I entered this year more hopeful than last, January did not disappoint. And by that, I mean it was quite the same as in years past. I entered my routine funk and slowly crawled out of it as February approached and then something quite miraculous happened. Prayers were answered and the sunshine returned and I began to realize a sort of peace I haven't had in a long time. God often uses hardship, not just physical or emotional, but also mental hardship to strengthen our community wi...