So Sorry!

I try to post once a month, consistently, more if I have something worth sharing. This is the first post for April because IT'S A BIG ONE! And I couldn't share before. But now I can, so here you go:

On top of learning the meaning of "sanctuary" this year--untainted and reliable--I've also been made a literal sanctuary--a place of refuge or safety. 2019 is officially the year we become a family of four!

Margaret Elizabeth Hardee is scheduled to arrive in November 2019, and for obvious reasons this has eclipsed the vast majority of my thoughts, energy, and time. I literally could not think of anything else to blog about because our little gummy bear has pretty much eclipsed our lives already but it was all pretty hush hush until now.

The beginning was the most difficult, but things are sort of settling now. My food aversions are STRONG. And ever changing. It's very difficult on a tight grocery budget, but will be very worth it in the long run. I've been guzzling water like it's my job and not sleeping much at all.

SO. Now that you all are in the know, we can resume our regularly scheduled programming.

If you are the praying sort, please feel free to remember us as we embark on this huge journey. It is crazy. Thoughts and expectations are all over the place and it's the best we can do to just take one day at a time and let go of the worries and desire for control.

My few discoveries thus far:

  • Knit dresses and skirts are your friend. They make sense to wear during pregnancy and will still fit afterward. Amazon is a great source for these items, usually offered in an assortment of colors and patterns and ranging from $10-$25 in price.
  • thredUp (my favorite shopping source anyway) is an excellent place to find gently used maternity clothing (and baby clothes!) at very discounted prices if you do want to "splurge" on a cute maternity outfit/wardrobe.
  • Saving for baby can be a little daunting if you think about all the potential costs at once. Remember, you have months to prepare and God has hand picked you for this mission. The easiest place to cut money from your budget is eating out/grocery spending. We have a pretty tight budget to begin with, but for a short season you can really tighten the belt and put away just a little extra each week or month. Jaime over at Bubbling Brook Budgets, Jordan at Fun Cheap or Free, and Emily Ley, creator of the Simplified Planner and author of Grace Not Perfection, are just a few of the lovely women from whom I have been able to learn so much and who have already navigated or are currently navigating these waters pretty successfully.
  • In this age of technology, we also have the ability to have a plethora of peer-reviewed information at our fingertips on our smartphones. The Ovia Pregnancy App is one that was recommended to me by a healthcare professional some time ago. It's free and includes great resources like approved food lists, helpful articles, and week by week insight into what's going on in there.The Wonder Weeks app is another super popular one, it does cost $2.99, but can really offer some great insight into your new baby or toddler's development when they can't effectively communicate what might be going on.

I think that's all I have for now! I'm so, so thankful to have made it through the first trimester. It was not the most fun I've ever had. I'm looking forward to learning more and enjoying a beautiful Charleston Summer!



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